Volume 18, No. 2, 2024
Received: 2023/12/26, Accepted: 2024/03/23
Hashem Al-Masaeid; Shaima Badandi;
Traffic related noise pollution is a recurring problem in large- and medium-sized cities. The objective of this study is quantifying traffic noise levels along selected urban arterials and modeling the generated traffic noise based on traffic and pavement characteristics. Urban arterial and collector streets in Irbid city, Jordan, were taken as a case study. The city is considered as an example of medium-sized city. 65 urban arterial and collector sections were selected to achieve the stated objective. For each section, ten noise measurements were taken using a time interval of 2.5 min for each observation. The statistical pass-by method was used in measuring 650 external noise observations. Also, data on traffic, pavement, and section geometric characteristics were obtained through field measurements. The collected traffic characteristics, including traffic flow, percentage of trucks, and speed in each direction of travel, were obtained. In addition to the measurement of pavement macrotexture depth, an international roughness index was measured using smartphone application. Investigation of the collected noise data indicated that urban streets experienced high noise levels, reaching maximum and average values of 82 and 77.2 dB(A), respectively. Results of analyses showed that an increase in each of the included traffic characteristics resulted in significantly higher noise levels. For example, an increase in speed from 35 to 55 km/h would increase noise by 2.7 dB(A). Also, the interaction term of roughness index and pavement macrotexture depth was found to increase the generated noise. Finally, the results of analysis indicated that both of multivariate linear and exponential regression models are suitable to model the generated traffic noise. Each model explained approximately 54% of the noise variability. Probably, traffic composition and vehicle-power type heterogeneity might reduce the level of explained variability.
traffic noise, urban arterials, pass-by method, noise modelling, Jordan.