Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering

Paper Detail

Siltation of Alghadeer Alabyadh Reservoir

Volume 6, No. 1, 2012
Received: 2012/01/18, Accepted:


Amjed Shatnawi;


Siltation of Alghadeer Alabyadh dam in the northern part of Jordan was investigated. Alghadeer Alabyadh dam was constructed 45 years ago (1966). The designed total reservoir storage capacity of this damwas 0.7 million cubic meters. The actual storage capacity of the reservoir was calculated using echo-sounding traverses. The data obtained were used in special computer software to construct the bathymetric mapof the reservoir and consequently calculate the existing storage volume. The obtained results indicated that the reservoir storage capacitywas reduced at an average annual rate of 0.016 MCM. Bottom sediments of the reservoirwere collected using van-veen grab and analyzed. Sand, silt and clay were the main sediment components.


Siltation, Alghadeer Alabyadh, Storage capacity, Echo-sounding traverses, Bathymetric map.