Volume 19, No. 1, 2025
Received: 2024/10/24, Accepted: 2024/12/17
Lanka Geethika; K Sai Sahitya; CSRK Prasad;
Transportation accessibility plays a pivotal role in transport geography, serving as a critical indicator of mobility for both people and goods. High levels of accessibility reflect a well-developed urban environment with fewer transportation challenges. In this study, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are employed to conduct a comprehensive network analysis of accessibility across various zones in Hyderabad city, Telangana. Using a city-wide methodology for evaluating urban service availability and distance-based accessibility, the study incorporates a Weighted Scoring Model. This model assigns varying weights to different urban services based on their relative importance, enabling a nuanced accessibility analysis. The study assesses accessibility at three distinct spatial scales: Macro-Level Cluster Zones, Meso-Level Strategic Zones, and Micro-Level Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs). By analyzing accessibility at these scales, the study offers a detailed and layered understanding of how different locations in Hyderabad perform in terms of access to essential services and opportunities. The results provide valuable insights for urban planners and decision-makers, helping them identify areas where accessibility can be improved, thus supporting more equitable and efficient urban development.
Weighted Scoring Model, Macro Level Cluster Zones, Meso Level Strategic Zones, Micro Level Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs), accessibility analysis