Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering

Paper Detail

The Problem of Water Leakage in Beni Haroun Reservoir (Algeria)

Volume 12, No. 3, 2018
Received: 2018/05/14, Accepted:


Toumi Abdelouaheb; Remini Boualem;


During the last 25 years, Algeria witnessed an intensified drought. Thus, to meet the growing demand for water, especially in peak hours and hot weathers (summer season), more than sixty (60) large water storage dams have been founded to overcome the problem. They help collect a considerable amount of surface water falling in their watersheds. Unfortunately, it has been noticed that these structures are exposed to some hydraulic problems, such as: silting, evaporation, water pollution and water leakage. This latter threatens both the stability of the hydraulic infrastructures and the quality and quantity of the stored water. This study examines the phenomenon of water leakage at Beni Haroun dam. It is based on the measurements performed on leakage flow, hydraulic head and water level in the lake. The study aims at suggesting ways to protect the dam from the consequences of the threats mentioned earlier. Then, before being too late, it provides the consolidation work needed to be undertaken. In this respect, findings obtained potentially revealed that, over time, the flow of water leakage increases as same as the elevation of water level in the lake of the dam. On the one hand, it is found that the current lines on the right side of the groundwater, located downstream of the dike, headed to the opposite direction of the expected flow (upstream) and then moved downstream. In addition, the same magnitude has been observed on the pressure regardless of the water level. On the other hand, however, those on the left side vary according to the hydrostatic charge created by the lake and are generally directed downstream of the dike. The recorded pressure at this bank is low. This justifies the appearance of resurgences which minimize the under-pressure downstream near the dike.


Beni Haroun dam, Underlying structure leakage, Groundwater loss