Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering

Paper Detail

Trip and parking generation of hospitals and medical centers in Jordan

Volume 15, No. 4, 2021
Received: 2021/06/29, Accepted: 2021/08/12


Hashem Al-Masaeid; Taisir Khedaywi; Eman Shehadeh; Rana Al-Shafie;


Estimating trip and parking generation for different land uses is vital for transportation planning, design and management purposes. This study was carried out to develop trip and parking demand for hospitals and medical clinic centers (MCCs) in Jordan. Based on field investigation and predefined criteria, fifteen hospitals and twenty MCCs were selected. Attracted and generated trips, as well as parking demand, were manually surveyed during workdays and holidays. In addition, data on characteristics of the selected sites were obtained. Based on hospital and MCC attributes, peak trip rates were computed for AM and PM periods. According to the maximum peak, rates/models were developed to estimate attracted and generated trips as well as parking demand. Compared with those used in the developed countries, values obtained in this study are relatively low, except for the value of trip generation for hospitals. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct further studies to establish a trip and parking generation manual for local use in Jordan rather than relying on manuals developed for other countries or by studies of limited scale. Based on hospitals and MCCs attributes, peak trip rates were computed for AM and PM periods. According to the maximum peak, rates/models were developed to estimate attracted and generated trips as well as parking demand. Compared with values used in the developed countries, values obtained in this study are relatively low, except the value of trip generation for hospitals. Therefore, it was recommended to conduct further studies to establish trip and parking generation manual for local use in Jordan rather than rely on manuals developed for other countries or studies of limited scale.


Trip generation, Parking demand, Hospitals, Medical clinic centers, Jordan