Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering

Paper Detail

Assessment of Road Traffic Noise Pollution at Selected Sites in Amman, Jordan : Magnitude, Control and Impact on the Community

Volume 6, No. 2, 2012
Received: 2012/04/04, Accepted:


Qais Banihani; Khair Jadaan;


The present study provides an evaluation of road traffic noise pollution in the city of Amman and its effects on residents. Statistical noise index L10(18 hr) was measured at nine different sites throughout the city of Amman. The British Calculation of Road Traffic Noise (CRTN) method was used to predict noise levels at the chosen sites. The CRTN method proved to be successful in predicting noise levels under traffic conditions in Amman. The results showed that Amman is environmentally noise polluted at the studied locations with noise levels ranging between 80.41 and 83.71 dB(A); thereby exceeding the maximum allowable limit of 63 dB(A). The CRTN method was also employed to predict future noise levels which were found to be higher than the current predicted noise levels. The effectiveness of noise barrier walls in reducing noise levels was investigated. Noise barriers 5 meter high were found to be effective in reducing noise levels below the permissible limits at all sites. A social survey was carried out to evaluate the perceived noise impacts of road traffic noise on residents. The results of the survey revealed that road traffic noise is a major concern for the communities living in the vicinity of streets in urban areas. The noise problem affects the ordinary daily activities of residents to the extent that about 65% of them consider moving to quieter areas.


Road traffic noise pollution, CRTN method, Noise barriers, Future predicted noise, Social survey, City of Amman