Khaled Shaaban; Rami Harb; Essam Radwan;
To improve traffic safety and mobility in work zone areas, the Dynamic Lane Merge (DLM) systems, intelligent work zone traffic control systems, have been explored by several states of the U.S.A. The DLM can take two forms; dynamic early merge and dynamic late merge. The DLM systems were designed to advise drivers on definite merging locations. Up to date, there are no studies that contrast both merging schemes in the field under matching work zone settings. This study suggests two Simplified Dynamic Lane Merging Systems (SDLMS) (early merge and late merge) to supplement the current Florida Maintenance Of Traffic (MOT) plans for a three-to-two- work zone lane closure configuration. Data was collected in work
zones on I-95, Florida for three different maintenance of traffic plan treatments. The first maintenance of traffic plan treatment was the standard MOT plan employed by FDOT. The second MOT was the early
SDLMS and the third MOT was the late SDLMS. Results showed that dynamic early merging (early SDLMS) outperforms late SDLMS and the conventional Florida MOT plans under lower demand volumes.
However, results also showed that late SDLMS outperforms early SDLMS and MAS under higher demand volumes.
Dynamic early merge, Dynamic late merge, Work zone, Intelligent transportation system, Lane management