Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering

A Finite Element Method for Modeling Edge-Effects in Composite Laminates with Different Ply-Orientation


Karim S. Numayr; Ayman N. Ababneh; Hashem K. Almashaqbeh;


A finite element, FE, method is used for modeling edge-effects in composite laminates with different ply-orientations. Two types of three-dimensional isoperimetric FE have been used. One in interior region has standard linear shape functions, and the other in exterior region that has special shape functions for which an exponential variation is derived using the perturbation technique. The exponential shape functions are introduced to an originally written FE program, which uses special mesh generation and numerical integration, and other subroutines. Results for deformation and stresses for composite laminates subjected to axial strain are obtained and found to be in good agreement with results available in the literature.


Finite Element Modeling, Perturbation Technique, Laminated Composites, Edge Effect, Delamination.