Ibrahim Mahamid;
This study has been conducted to study rework in residential building projects in the West Bank in Palestine. It investigates the cost and causes of rework. A questionnaire survey of 86 contractors from the West Bank in Palestine was performed. 43 rework causes were identified during the research. The study investigates the average of rework cost and the severity of the identified rework causes. 62% of the contractors indicated that the average of rework cost in residential building construction projects that they have experienced during the last five years ranged between 10% and 15% of the original contract cost, which means that rework in residential projects is a severe problem, which should be studied more intensively to be solved in the future.
The questionnaire survey also concluded that the most severe causes of rework in residential building projects as identified by the contractors are: poor communication of the client with the consultant, poor communication of the client with the contractor, use of poor quality materials, poor site management and poor communication of the client with the design consultant.
Rework, Causes, Building projects, Contractors, Severity, Residential, Cost