Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering

Parametric Study of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Using Finite Element Analysis


Moamen Abd El Raouf; Khaled M. M. Bahloul;


Mechanically Stabilized Earth walls (MSE) must be carefully designed and constructed to obtain satisfactory stability for the wall. The reinforced soil structures are more flexible and ductile. Therefore, it is more capable of resisting seismic load and differential settlement. In this paper, the influence of some parameters on the horizontal displacement and axial force of the mechanically Stabilized Earth walls (MSE) walls is investigated. The studied parameters include the constitutive models, the axial geogrid stiffness, and the secondary reinforcement length. From the numerical analysis, it was found that the hardening soil model with small strain (HSS) predictions is more realistic than the results obtained from the traditional Mohr-Columb (MC) model and the hardening soil model (HS). Moreover, a reduction in the relative deflection of the wall facing was observed with an increase in the axial geogrid stiffness. Also, the maximum axial force in reinforcement increased with an increase in the axial geogrid stiffness. Moreover, increasing the axial geogrid stiffness by 26% causes an increase in maximum axial tensile force in reinforcement of approximately 10%. Finally, the relative deflection decreased with an increase in the ratio L/H.


MSE wall, constitutive models, Finite element analysis, the geogrid stiffness, the secondary reinforcement