Turki I. Al-Suleiman; Osama Abu Daoud;
The main objectives of this research were to evaluate the pavement condition of the primary roads in Jordan using the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) procedure and to investigate the effects of pavement age and traffic loading on pavement performance. One of the most important products of SHRP was the Pavement Condition Rating (PCR) on a scale between 0 and 100 and it was calculated based on the existing distresses and pavement roughness. An integrated data base was developed for the selected pavement sections, including information on pavement identification, pavement condition, pavement age, traffic volumes and traffic loading. The results of pavement evaluation showed that most of the pavement sections were in fair
condition. Based on the suggested Maintenance and Rehabilitation (M & R) strategies for the rural roads in Jordan, it was found that about 40% of the evaluated pavement sections were in need of major maintenance and reconstruction. Regression analysis was used to develop sound pavement performance models. The effects of pavement age and traffic loading on PCR in these models were found statistically significant at α – level < 0.01 with relatively high R² value (0.841). Also, the analysis indicated that most of the primary roads in Jordan
failed prematurely and require major M & R before the end of their design lives because of heavy traffic loading.
Pavement condition, SHRP, Performance models, Traffic loading, Primary roads.