Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering

Utilization of Different Additives in Improving Sandy Soil Against Liquefaction


Ahmed Elzamel; Ayman Altahrany; Mahmoud Elmeligy;


One of the most important earthquake-related processes is liquefaction, which diminishes the resistance of saturated soils. The influence of several types of reinforcement on liquefaction resistance, such as polypropylene fibres, geogrids, Cement and polypropylene fibres with cement, is shown in this study. Cemented specimens were prepared with cement contents ranging from 0% to 2% by weight of dry sand then cured for 3 days. The lengths of polypropylene fibers are 10 mm and 20 mm, respectively. The fibers were mixed with dry sand�cement mixes containing 0%, 0.50%, and 1.00% by weight, respectively. Geogrid specimens are prepared by placing 6.5 cm diameter geogrid inclusions horizontally in the sample in various arrangements. It was found that the liquefaction improvement factor (LIF) increased when fiber content and fiber length increased. The addition of geogrids increased the liquefaction resistance as the number of layers increased. The arrangement (C) gave better liquefaction resistance than other arrangements. The addition of 2%C+1%F provided the best liquefaction resistance in this study compared with other additives. The addition of cement enhances the liquefaction resistance, but the addition of fiber to cement enhances the liquefaction mitigation much more. Finally, the reinforcement with cement and fibers is crucial for liquefaction resistance.


Liquefaction , Shear modulus , Cyclic stress , Geogrid, Polypropylene fiber